Friday, October 28, 2016

How to Get rid of those Sudden Ant Bites

Do you sometimes feel itchiness out of nowhere? The feeling can be so irritating and uncomfortable especially when it starts swellings; that might be caused by ant bites. Though this is not as serious as other health issues, you will want to get rid of it immediately for it may add hassle. Here are some effective home remedies for Ant Bites.

1. Vinegar

The vinegar has a natural antibacterial characteristic. With that, it will be effective on relieving itchiness and will help in further bacterial prevention on the surface of the skin.

2. Tea Bags

For sure, there are tea bags in your kitchen and unexpectedly, it can be a remedy to ant bites. Pressing it against the ant bite area will prevent swelling and lingering itchiness. It also prevents inflammation and scars.

3. Toothpaste

Toothpaste is known to be one of the quickest home remedies for pimples, but it is also a treatment for ant bites. Since it has menthol in it, it will numb the applied area from itching and pain. It will also leave a soothing feeling after it has successfully become effective.

4. Ice

Ice is also a great skin relieving remedy whether it is for pimples or irritations. Its coldness pressed onto the skin acts as natural histamine and will also numb the area from itchiness.

5. Olive Oil

By applying and leaving Olive oil in the affected area, the swelling will be less evident as it smooth and balances the skin.

6. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one of the best and known home remedies for a lot of skin problems. Since it contains acidic characteristics, it helps remove bacteria and reduce itching or burning sensations.

7. Alcohol

Any type of alcohol may it be vodka or Isopropyl Alcohol, will do the trick in solving any insect bites. All you need to do is dab some on the affected area and leave it to dry.

Home remedies can be a quick and practical way of solving ant bites; these are tried and tested by most people. These remedies treat the ant bites from itching to prevent further scars. It’s better to try which ones are effective for you and avoid those that are not good for you to use.

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